2,509 research outputs found

    La contribución del Laboratorio de Arquezoología del IPA para el desarrollo de la Arqueozoología en Portugal

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    Este artículo pretende mostrar de manera sintética el trabajo realizado desde finales de 1999 por el Laboratorio de Arqueozoologia del Instituto Portugués de Arqueología en Lisboa (Portugal). La creación y organización de una colección comparativa de esqueletos de vertebrados, el estudio de asociaciones arqueofaunísticas y el lanzamiento de proyectos interdisciplinares a largo plazo constituyen las principales áreas de actuación

    Selecció i classificació de recursos pedagògics per a la Sostenibilitat per a la Xarxa Edusost

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    Entenem la Sostenibilitat com un nou valor social positiu, un horitzó de transformació social, econòmica, política i cultural. Atribuïm per tant a l’Educació per a la Sostenibilitat un paper fonamental en aquest procés de canvi d’actituds i de valors. Existeix una demanda creixent dels professors/es i educadors/es de tots els nivells per a una anàlisi, selecció, valoració, organització i disseminació dels recursos pedagògics destinats a l’Educació per a la Sostenibilitat. Cada vegada hi ha més recursos disponibles, però cal una valoració i organització d'aquests recursos, per tal de seleccionar el material de qualitat apte per a les necessitats formatives. En front la diversitat de materials i recursos pedagògics existents per a l’Educació per a la Sostenibilitat, la principal qüestió que plantegem en l’estudi és sota quins criteris es durà a terme el procés de recerca i posterior selecció i classificació. Donat que no es pretén produir una base de dades de materials i recursos pedagògics estàtica, l’objectiu que cerquem és implicar en aquest procés als principals nòduls d’expertesa identificats, considerant-ne les seves preferències i criteris. D’aquesta manera pretenem generar un efecte sinèrgic que enforteixi les relacions de xarxa ja existents. La nostra proposta metodològica pretén ser participativa i entenem que integradora per arribar als futurs usuaris d’aquesta selecció de recursos pedagògics. Tot i que entenem que l’escenari ideal seria arribar als educadors/es de base, per al present estudi treballarem amb els membres de la xarxa Edusost, identificant els recursos pedagògics clau en Sostenibilitat i les mancances a que s’afronten els membres de la xarxa. En aquest sentit realitzarem entrevistes en profunditat i serà a partir d’aquestes entrevistes que identificarem els recursos pedagògics en Sostenibilitat més emprats i recomanats per la xarxa, alhora que detectarem les mancances senyalades pels membres entrevistats.Peer Reviewe

    Locomotor activating effects and addiction-like features of MDPV as assessed in preclinical studies: a review.

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    Introducción: La 3,4-Methylenedioxypyrovalerone (mdpv) es un componente de las denominadas sales de baño, aparecidas en el mercado a final de la década del 2000 debido a la falta de precursores de síntesis de mdma, y su uso va en aumento. El ob- jetivo de este trabajo es clarificar sus características farmacológicas y potencialidades adictivas. Método: Mediante búsquedas en PubMed, 21 estudios relacionados con la química, farmacología o potencial adictivo del mdpv fueron seleccionados. Resulta- dos: El mdpv muestra ser capaz de inducir una potente hiperlocomoción, preferencias condicionadas, sensibilización conductual, autoadministración y altos puntos de corte en pruebas de razón progresiva. Conclusión: Los estudios revisados apuntan a que el mdpv es un potente psicoestimulante con un potencial adictivo similar al de la cocaí- na o la metanfetamina. Su abuso continuado podría llevar a una epidemia de adictos al mdpv.Introduction: 3,4-Methylenedioxypyrovalerone (mdpv) is a major component of the new psychoactive substances termed “bath salts”. These substances appeared on the drug market at the end of the last century given the lack of mdma precursors, caused by its worldwide prosecution by governments and police agencies, and its growing use. The goal of this work was to clarify its pharmacological features and addiction-like potentiali- ties. Methods: By PubMed searches, 21 studies related to mdpv chemistry, pharmaco logy or addictive features were selected. Results: mdpv is seen to be able to induce potent hyperlocomotion, conditioned place preference, behavioural sensitisation, self- administration and high breakpoints in progressive ratio schedules. Conclusion: The reviewed studies indicate that mdpv is a powerful psychostimulant with a similar addictive potential to that of cocaine or methamphetamine. Its abuse can lead to an epidemic of mdpv addicts

    El efecto del Covid-19 en la rentabilidad de las Pymes en el Distrito de Lima, 2021

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    En la presente investigación se explica sobre el “El efecto del Covid-19 en la rentabilidad de las Pymes en el Distrito de Lima, 2021”. Metodología de enfoque cuantitativo, con tipo de investigación básica, nivel descriptivo correlacional, de diseño no experimental de corte transversal. La población y la muestra estuvo conformada por 50 trabajadores. La problemática actual que viene afectando duramente la economía y no solo en nuestro país sino también a muchos otros, originados por la crisis sanitaria del Covid - 19 que llegó de manera inesperada en el 2020 poniendo en riesgo la subsistencia de los negocios ya que a raíz de esa enfermedad utilizaron medidas cautelares como el confinamiento, hecho no favorable puesto que la mayoría de empresas paralizaron sus actividades laborales estancando su productividad e incrementando sus cuentas por pagar. Para ello es importante contar con estrategias que permitan respaldar y solventar los altibajos generados y obligaciones de pagos por las cuales vienen pasando los emprendedores de hoy en día; revitalizando la actividad empresarial y el estatus económico a nivel nacional

    Factors that influence the quality of metabolomics data in in vitro cell toxicity studies: a systematic survey

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    REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals) is a global strategy and regulation policy of the EU that aims to improve the protection of human health and the environment through the better and earlier identification of the intrinsic properties of chemical substances. It entered into force on 1st June 2007 (EC 1907/2006). REACH and EU policies plead for the use of robust high-throughput 'omic' techniques for the in vitro investigation of the toxicity of chemicals that can provide an estimation of their hazards as well as information regarding the underlying mechanisms of toxicity. In agreement with the 3R's principles, cultured cells are nowadays widely used for this purpose, where metabolomics can provide a real-time picture of the metabolic effects caused by exposure of cells to xenobiotics, enabling the estimations about their toxicological hazards. High quality and robust metabolomics data sets are essential for precise and accurate hazard predictions. Currently, the acquisition of consistent and representative metabolomic data is hampered by experimental drawbacks that hinder reproducibility and difficult robust hazard interpretation. Using the differentiated human liver HepG2 cells as model system, and incubating with hepatotoxic (acetaminophen and valproic acid) and non-hepatotoxic compounds (citric acid), we evaluated in-depth the impact of several key experimental factors (namely, cell passage, processing day and storage time, and compound treatment) and instrumental factors (batch effect) on the outcome of an UPLC-MS metabolomic analysis data set. Results showed that processing day and storage time had a significant impact on the retrieved cell's metabolome, while the effect of cell passage was minor. Meta-analysis of results from pathway analysis showed that batch effect corrections and quality control (QC) measures are critical to enable consistent and meaningful estimations of the effects caused by compounds on cells. The quantitative analysis of the changes in metabolic pathways upon bioactive compound treatment remained consistent despite the concurrent causes of metabolomic data variation. Thus, upon appropriate data retrieval and correction and by an innovative metabolic pathway analysis, the metabolic alteration predictions remained conclusive despite the acknowledged sources of variability

    Comparation of the new rebound tonometer IOPen and the Goldmann tonometer, and their relationship to corneal properties

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    Purpose To compare the intraocular pressures (IOPs) obtained with the IOPen rebound tonometer, Goldmann applanation tonometer (GAT) and the ocular response analyzer (ORA) and investigate the effects of corneal biomechanical properties on IOPen measurements. Methods A total of 198 normal eyes were included in this cross-sectional and randomized study. Three measurements were taken using IOPen. Agreement between tonometers was calculated using the Bland and Altman limits of agreement (LoA) analysis. Results The median IOPen IOP was 3mmHg below the GAT (Po0.001), 3mmHg below the ORA IOP similar to Goldmann (IOPg), and 3mmHg below the ORA IOP corrected using corneal parameters (IOPcc)(Po0.01). The LoA width between the IOPen and GAT IOPs varied between 13.92 (mean IOPen IOP) and 15.99mmHg (third IOPen measurement). The central corneal thickness (CCT) was unrelated to IOPen measurements (P40.05). Corneal hysteresis (CH) and corneal rigidity factor (CRF) were correlated with IOPen and GAT. Conclusions IOPen underestimated the IOP compared with GAT and ORA. The effect of measurement quality or measurement order on IOPen was low. CCT did not affect the IOPen, but the CH and CRF did. The LoA width between the IOPen and GAT IOPs was higher than between the ORA IOPg or ORA IOPcc and GAT IOPs

    Laboratory Cross-Comparison and Ring Test Trial for Tumor BRCA Testing in a Multicenter Epithelial Ovarian Cancer Series: The BORNEO GEICO 60-0 Study

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    Ovarian cancer; BRCA mutations; BRCA testingCáncer de ovarios; Mutaciones BRCA; Prueba BRCACàncer d'ovaris; Mutacions BRCA; Prova BRCAGermline and tumor BRCA testing constitutes a valuable tool for clinical decision-making in the management of epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) patients. Tissue testing is able to identify both germline (g) and somatic (s) BRCA variants, but tissue preservation methods and the widespread implementation of NGS represent pre-analytical and analytical challenges that need to be managed. This study was carried out on a multicenter prospective GEICO cohort of EOC patients with known gBRCA status in order to determine the inter-laboratory reproducibility of tissue sBRCA testing. The study consisted of two independent experimental approaches, a bilateral comparison between two reference laboratories (RLs) testing 82 formalin-paraffin-embedded (FFPE) EOC samples each, and a Ring Test Trial (RTT) with five participating clinical laboratories (CLs) evaluating the performance of tissue BRCA testing in a total of nine samples. Importantly, labs employed their own locally adopted next-generation sequencing (NGS) analytical approach. BRCA mutation frequency in the RL sub-study cohort was 23.17%: 12 (63.1%) germline and 6 (31.6%) somatic. Concordance between the two RLs with respect to BRCA status was 84.2% (gBRCA 100%). The RTT study distributed a total of nine samples (three commercial synthetic human FFPE references, three FFPE, and three OC DNA) among five CLs. The median concordance detection rate among them was 64.7% (range: 35.3–70.6%). Analytical discrepancies were mainly due to the minimum variant allele frequency thresholds, bioinformatic pipeline filters, and downstream variant interpretation, some of them with consequences of clinical relevance. Our study demonstrates a wide range of concordance in the identification and interpretation of BRCA sequencing data, highlighting the relevance of establishing standard criteria for detecting, interpreting, and reporting BRCA variants.This research was funded by Astra Zéneca Farmacéutica Spain SA (Grant Number GEICO60-0)